When only the best in professional appraisal services will do.

We want to simplify this for you and get you the information you need. And we do this for Graded and Ungraded Toys too!

In the last few years, value gains and overall growth in the comic and original comic art markets has been unprecedented. More than ever, collectors need to ensure they are empowered with the knowledge and information to acquire, properly insure, and sell their collections. With this unprecedented market growth is an increasing and noticeable demand for quality and more sophisticated appraisal requests from lawyers, financial institutions, estate executors, bankruptcy trustees and the general public.

As a collector of over 40 years, what I bring along with my knowledge and experience as a collector are my credentials as a published Overstreet Price Guide Advisor as well as a CPPAG Accredited Appraiser designation, examined on Code of Ethics, Standards & Practices modelled after Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Whether it's an inheritance or requirement by your insurance company to have your collection appraised, ComicVerify is here to help. Whether its a single item or an extensive collection, appraisals can be written for any purpose or requirement, and that would include collectors simply looking for an independent and impartial value opinion by an accredited third-party. We also provide the same digital badge and QR code framework offered through our ToyVerify service for ComicVerify, so you'll always be able to check our online system for current pricing well after your appraisal is completed.

Our goal is to help you realize the most accurate market value for your comics or original art, and that includes any/all comic related collectibles or displays. Please take a moment to complete the contact form below to tell us more about your specific requirements and to help us better serve your needs.


Toronto, Canada
Phone: 647-956-6185

Questions? Drop us a note!